typewriter at night

The Best Time of Day to Write: Find Your Most Productive Hours

Are you struggling to find the best time of day to write? Do you find yourself staring at a blank page, unable to put words on paper? You’re not alone. Many writers struggle with finding their most productive hours, and this can significantly impact the quality and quantity of their writing.

In this article, we’ll explore the best time of day to write, how to find your most productive hours, and tips for creating a writing routine that works for you.

Morning, Afternoon, or Evening: Which is the Best Time of Day to Write?

When it comes to the best time of day to write, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Some writers prefer to write in the morning when their minds are fresh and their creativity is at its peak. Others find that their most productive hours are in the afternoon or evening, when they’ve had time to wake up and get into the flow of their day. Ultimately, the best time of day to write depends on your individual preferences and habits.

writing in notebook with laptop and coffee at the best time of day to write
Top view Man hand using a pencil writing notebook paper learning and researching course tutor education, online on technology personal computer laptop with coffee cup. Are sitting on the wooden floor.

The Science Behind Productive Writing

When you’re trying to find the most productive hours for writing, consider your body’s natural rhythm, known as the circadian rhythm. This rhythm impacts your energy levels and productivity throughout the day. By understanding your circadian rhythm, you can optimize your writing schedule for maximum productivity.

Take this quiz from The New York Times to determine your chronotype. The quiz questions are from Sleepfaring: A Journey into the Science of Sleep by Jim Horne.

Morning Writers

If you’re a morning person, you may find that your most productive hours for writing are in the early morning, shortly after waking up. This is because your body’s cortisol levels are naturally high in the morning, which can help you feel more alert and focused.

Bonus: If you’re really dedicated, you can temporarily increase your cortisol levels by taking a cold shower in the morning. This can make you feel more alert and energized, while improving your tolerance to stress.

Afternoon Writers

If you’re not a morning person, or if your schedule requires you to focus on other things first thing in the morning, you may find that your most productive hours for writing are in the afternoon. Because your body’s core temperature is naturally higher in the afternoon, some people feel more alert and focused at this time of day.

Evening Writers

If you’re a night owl, you may find that your most productive hours for writing are in the evening, after dinner and before bed. Your body’s melatonin levels are naturally higher in the evening, which can help you feel more relaxed and creative.

teacup beside notebook at sunrise, Best Time of Day to Write

How to Find Your Most Productive Hours

Now that you understand the science behind finding your most productive hours for writing, how do you go about finding them? Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Keep a Journal: Track your writing habits and note when you feel most productive throughout the day. Your most productive time of day can change over time, so keeping track can help you adjust as needed.
  • Experiment with Different Writing Times: Try writing at different times throughout the day to see when you feel the most alert and focused. Pay attention to the quantity and quality of your writing, as well.
  • Pay Attention to Your Body: Listen to your body’s natural rhythms and adjust your writing schedule accordingly. Be sure you’re practicing self-care and getting enough sleep; otherwise, your writing will suffer.

Tips for Creating a Writing Routine

Once you’ve found your most productive hours for writing, it’s important to create a writing routine that works for you. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Set a Schedule: Block out specific times in your day for writing and stick to them as closely as possible. Don’t punish yourself for missing a day, though.
  • Create a Writing Space: Find a dedicated space for writing, free from distractions. You may set up an area in your home. Or you might camp out at your favorite coffee shop.
  • Establish a Routine: Develop a pre-writing routine that helps you get into the right mindset for writing and set up a consistent writing habit.

Adjust When the Best Time of Day to Write Changes

The best time of day for you to write can change with adjustments to your schedule, health, or writing goals. Don’t feel like you have to stick to the same writing routine. Flexibility can help you stay consistent over the long term.

Additionally, seasonal changes can impact the best time of day to write. Changes to the season impact our body’s circadian rhythm. Think about how you feel on short winter days, when the sun sets early, compared to on long summer days.

While routine is our friend when it comes to creating a strong writing habit, sometimes we need to switch things up. Literally changing our perspective can help us view our work from a different angle and can break a pattern of feeling stuck in our writing. If you are having trouble getting the words to flow, try writing in a different place or at a different time of day.

Your Best Time of Day to Write

Finding the best time of day to write can be a game-changer for writers. By understanding your body’s natural rhythms and experimenting with different writing schedules, you can optimize your productivity and quality of writing.

Remember to create a writing routine that works for you, set aside dedicated time for writing, and don’t be afraid to change up your schedule when necessary. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be on your way to becoming a more productive writer.

best time of day to write with notebook in cafe
Unidentified woman is writing in the notepad in cafe. Working on bullet journal, diary, morning pages, plans and goals. Copy space for your text.

FAQs About the Best Time of Day to Write

Q: What time of day do most writers write?

A: Most writers tend to write during the morning or early afternoon when their energy levels and focus are at their highest.

Q: Why do some writers write at night?

A: Some writers prefer to work at night when they feel more creative and their minds are free from distractions. Additionally, some individuals are natural night owls, who may find it easier to focus during this time.

Q: Is it good to write at night?

A: It depends on your individual preferences and natural rhythms. If you feel more creative and productive at night, then it can be a good time to write. However, if you struggle to stay focused or tend to get tired quickly at night, then it may not be the best time for you to work on your project.

Q: Is it good to write in the morning?

A: Writing in the morning can be beneficial for many writers, as this is often when our energy levels and focus are at their highest. Additionally, writing in the morning can help you establish a daily writing routine and make consistent progress on your work.

Q: How many hours does Stephen King write every day?

A: Stephen King famously writes for several hours every day, usually starting in the morning and continuing into the afternoon. However, every writer’s writing habits and routines are different, and it’s important to find what works best for you.

Q: Should I write when I’m tired?

A: Writing when you’re tired isn’t the best idea if your goal is to create the best quality work possible, and it can lead to burnout. But sometimes it’s the only option. If you’re already feeling tired when you sit down to write, remember to take frequent breaks and prioritize your health and well-being.

Q: How do you write when you have no energy?

A: If you’re struggling to find the energy to write, try taking a break and doing something that energizes you, such as exercising or meditating. Also consider why you’re low on energy. Make sure you’re prioritizing sleep, exercise, and nutrition to set yourself up for productive writing sessions.

Q: Why is it so tiring to write?

A: Writing can be mentally and emotionally taxing, as it requires a great deal of focus, creativity, and emotional energy. Additionally, staring at a screen or sitting in one position for extended periods of time can be physically exhausting. It’s important to take breaks and practice self-care to avoid burnout.

Q: Should I write before or after work?

A: It depends on your individual schedule and natural rhythms. Some authors prefer to write before work when their minds are fresh and their energy levels are high, while others prefer to write after work as a way to wind down and relax. Experiment with different writing schedules to find what works best for you.

Q: Is writing mentally exhausting?

A: Yes, writing can be mentally exhausting, but most writers find that they develop mental stamina over time. Focus on developing a consistent writing habit, and you will notice improvement in your ability to sustain focus and lengthen your writing sessions.

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