TestimonialsTanya E. Williams

Tanya E. Williams

Tanya E. Williams

Working with Victoria Griffin has been an enjoyable and productive experience. I chose Victoria as my editor after we crossed paths on social media. Through the social media format, I was able to read many of her tips and insights into the editing and publishing world. Her honest and straight forward approach to the editing process along with her clear passion for writing won me over. Victoria’s editorial comments not only improved my manuscript, but they also helped me open my mind up to plot and story possibilities that I had previously struggled with. Working with Victoria was one of the highlights of my writing process. Both excited and nervous, I handed my manuscript over to her and waited anxiously for her comments. Victoria was professional, kind, and direct about what needed to be done to make my manuscript the best that it could be. Her edits arrived in a timely manner and gave me a fantastic guideline of how to proceed with my manuscript. ​Any writer looking for quality editing with honest feedback, should look no further than Victoria Griffin and Blue Pen editing services.

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