TestimonialsSamuel Mahaney

Samuel Mahaney

Samuel Mahaney

I am highly impressed with the care my Blue Pen editor took in researching the historical background of my historical fiction to ensure she was on the same page with me. I am also impressed with each and every suggestion for improvement and the time she took to point out potential cultural sensitivities. When I set out to tell the story, I wanted to ensure that the historical event upon which it is based is shown for what it truly was, and not the hyped up romanticized military action it had become in history. I wanted to give all sides of the event equal consideration. My Blue Pen editor provided valuable suggestions to help me better achieve that objective. Until I started writing the story, I had not yet conceived of one of the two main characters in the story. When I began writing, I was looking out over the lake in my minds eye, expecting the other main character to ride into the scene, but instead, I found an old ranger looking out over the lake with me. At first, he was kind of like Tom Hanks’s volleyball named Wilson, someone for the main character to talk to. By the time I submitted for editing (after many revisions) he had taken on a voice all his own. My Blue Pen editor aptly pointed out that had I fallen in love with this character and had not been hard enough on him in the end. Her amazing perspective and suggestions will help me shape the story to achieve my original objectives. She is a superior editor and I am so glad the Blue Pen team is made up of such great professionals. Finally I cannot thank Blue Pen enough for the comments on cultural sensitivities. Having an editorial team that is not only looking at my work but looking out for my writing career, is invaluable. Thanks to Victoria for creating such a wonderful company and processing my edit so quickly.

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