ingramspark vs kdp

IngramSpark vs. KDP: Where to Self-Publish

Independent authors have two primary options for self-publishing: Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), which is an Amazon service, and IngramSpark. When comparing IngramSpark vs. KDP, authors should consider the benefits and drawbacks of each.

There is a lot of ground to cover when you’re learning how to self-publish on Amazon’s KDP or IngramSpark. In this post, we’ll cover the basics of KDP and IngramSpark to help you make an informed decision about whether to place your book.

​Quick Comparison of IngramSpark vs. KDP

KDP (Amazon)IngramSpark
FeesFree upload; free changes$49 upload fee; additional charge for change
Available Formats​Paperback and ebookPaperback, hardcover, and ebook
ReturnsNo returnsCan make books returnable
DistributionBetter for Amazon and online saleBetter for bookstores and libraries
Proof and Author CopiesProof copies only before pubAuthor copies available before pub

What is KDP?

KDP and IngramSpark are print-on-demand (POD) self-publishing platforms. That means books are printed when they are ordered, rather than in advance. Since independent authors are also the publisher, using a POD platform keeps authors from needing to cover up-front printing costs.

These self-publishing platforms provide two main services: printing and distribution. The author/publisher is responsible for everything else, including editing, book design, and marketing and promotion.

It’s important to understand that KDP (Amazon) and IngramSpark are not publishers. These are platforms that you can use to publish your own book. Before you upload to KDP or IngramSpark, you need publication-ready files. You can’t simply upload a Microsoft Word document and expect it to turn into a nice book. Here are the primary steps to preparing to self-publish on Amazon or IngramSpark:

  1. Writing and self-editing
  2. Professional editing
  3. Cover design for print and ebook
  4. Interior layout and ebook production
  5. Back cover blurb and book description
  6. Secure an ISBN

It’s also crucial that you understand the differences between self-publishing and traditional publishing. If you’re at all foggy on those terms, please take a moment and read this breakdown of the different types of publishing.

For the sake of our discussion regarding IngramSpark vs. KDP, we’ll assume moving forward that you have determined that self-publishing is absolutely the best route for you and that you have a basic understanding of the self-publishing process.

Cost of Self-Publishing on KDP and IngramSpark

KDP does not charge any up-front fees. Uploading and publishing your work through KDP is totally free.

IngramSpark charges a $25 upload fee for each file. To upload an ebook version and a print version of your book, you’ll pay $49. If you need to make changes, you’ll have to pay an additional fee.

Considering you’ve most likely invested significantly in your publishing process so far, IngramSpark’s upload fee should not discourage you from using their service if it fits your goals

IngramSpark vs. KDP Book Formats​

Both platforms offer a variety of print sizes and options. You can choose from standard and nonstandard trim sizes, white and cream paper, and matte and glossy covers.

In addition to paperback, IngramSpark offers three hardcover formats: laminate, Digital Cloth with jacket, and laminate with jacket.

examples of jacketed hardcover books from ingramspark
Examples of jacketed case laminate from IngramSpark’s website

Case laminate is a hard, shiny cover printed with the cover image. Think textbooks. Jacketed hardcover books have a dust jacket that can be removed. Underneath the jacket, you can either have case laminate or blue or gray Digital Cloth. In the case of Digital Cloth, the title and author’s name are typically printed on the spine in gold ink.

Here’s what IngramSpark has to say about their digital cloth option:

Digital Cloth™ is used to describe a digital image designed to mirror the look of our original cloth offering.

KDP recently began offering a hardcover format as well, but the only available option is case laminate. So if you want a book with a dust jacket, IngramSpark is still your only option.

Authors can publish ebooks through both KDP and IngramSpark.

What are returns on IngramSpark?

Bookstores typically will not purchase books that cannot be returned. This is one of the ways bookstores reduce risk. If they purchase copies of a book that doesn’t sell well, they will return extra copies to the publisher (who is in this case the self-published author).

Returns come in two forms: return and destroy. If you opt for bookstores to physically return books to you, you will have to pay return shipping. But you may be able to recoup some lost revenue by reselling those books. If you choose the destroy option, the store will destroy the books. This may be your only choice for some international markets.

IngramSpark offers both return and destroy options. KDP does not offer the option to make books returnable, which is one reason authors who want to get their book into brick-and-mortar bookstores should consider publishing with IngramSpark.

KDP Royalties and IngramSpark Royalties

KDP and IngramSpark offer similar royalty structures, which are based on the list price, printing cost, and sales channel. For detailed royalty information, authors should check out the online KDP royalty calculator and the IngramSpark royalty calculator.

​IngramSpark has slightly higher printing costs, which can reduce authors’ royalties. However, IngramSpark allows authors to set deeper discounts for sales channels, which is important for getting books into brick-and-mortar bookstores.

IngramSpark and KDP Author Copies

Authors order proof copies are ordered before the book is available for purchase. They are stamped with a watermark indicating the book is not for resale. Author copies have no such stamp and are purchased by the author for only the printing cost.

KDP allows authors to purchase proof copies before the book is available and author copies after. That means that you won’t have access to a final, non-watermarked version of your book before it is available for sale—which can be challenging if you want to send ARCs (advanced reader copies) to reviewers prior to publication.

IngramSpark does not offer proof copies. But it allows authors to purchase author copies prior to publication.

​Because IngramSpark’s printing costs are higher, authors will likely pay more for author copies from IngramSpark than from KDP.

IngramSpark vs. KDP Distribution​

Here is the biggest actionable difference between KDP and IngramSpark. KDP is great for online sales. IngramSpark is better for sales through bookstores.

As we discussed, unlike KDP, IngramSpark allows authors to make their books returnable. If a bookstore purchases the books and they don’t sell, the store can return them to the publisher (in this case, the author) for a refund. Many bookstores will not purchase books without this option. IngramSpark also allows authors to set the discounts that many bookstores require.

Additionally, bookstores will not typically order from KDP. Amazon is their biggest competitor, and bookstores are already used to ordering books through Ingram (the distribution channel).

So if you want to see your book on shelves, publishing through IngramSpark is a good call. If you are only interested in selling books online, go with KDP. For the widest distribution possible, publish through both IngramSpark and KDP. They are both amazing options with big benefits.

For the widest distribution possible, publish through both IngramSpark and KDP. They are both amazing options with big benefits.

How to Self-Publish on Amazon

For authors learning how to self-publish a book on Amazon or IngramSpark, it’s best to take your time. Understand firstly that as a self-published author, you are both the author and the publisher. This will help you set realistic expectations for the amount of work that will be involved with preparing your book for publication.

Self-publishing a book is about more than pressing “publish” on Amazon. You will be responsible for all of the editing, book design, and marketing.

How to Publish an Ebook on Amazon

The process for publishing an ebook through KDP is basically the same as the process for publishing a print book. Most authors publish both print and digital versions of their book to reach the widest readership.

With ebooks, you also have a presale option, meaning you can presell copies of your ebook before it is available for purchase. This can help you build hype around the release day.

IngramSpark vs. KDP for First-Time Authors?​

KDP and IngramSpark each have benefits, and the best way to maximize your potential reach is to publish through both platforms. If you take this approach, remember these three things.

  1. You will need to purchase an ISBN, rather than using a free ISBN from KDP or IngramSpark. This is a good idea anyway, since it allows you to list your name as the publisher.
  2. You should publish through KDP first, to make sure Amazon populates with the KDP version of your book.
  3. You can use the same interior files for both platforms (unless you publish a hardcover version on IngramSpark), but you will need slightly different cover files. Your cover designer can handle this for you.

By publishing your book on both platforms, you make it easier to sell effectively online and in bookstores. Since the emphasis of the KDP version is online sales, most authors will not benefit much from publishing the ebook version on IngramSpark.

Remember that this is general advice. Depending on your needs, your route may be different. When deciding whether to publish through KDP and/or IngramSpark, consider the benefits of each option and choose the path that aligns with your goals.

When you’re ready to prepare your manuscript for publication, check out our team’s editing and book design services. We would love to help you through the process.

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